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Enactive interfaces

Basic data:

Type of the project:EU IST FP6 project, Network of Excellence
IST SO:Multimodal interfaces
Project Reference:002114
Duration:48 months
Consortium:24 partners from 10 countries
Coordinator:Scuola Superiore Sant’anna Pisa, Italy



Enaction is a form of interaction realized in the form of sensory-motor responses and acquired by the act of "doing". It is a form of cognition inherently tied to actions, capable of directly conveying a non-symbolic form of knowledge. The objective of the ENACTIVE Network of Excellence is to join excellent researchers to define and develop reliable solutions for enactive interaction and overcome the two main bottlenecks of present Interface Technologies:
  • The need of increasing of artificial systems reactivity to reach the same level of human action-perception abilities in complex tasks;
  • The link of physical sensory-motor events (enactive experiences) with the symbolic information and knowledge technologies.

The ultimate Network vision is to design a new kind of computerized machines, called Sensible Machines, adapted to our sensory-motor intelligence. Beside Thinking Machines, considered as machines based on language technologies that can perform reasoning, and beside Communicating Machines, intended as machines based on wireless communications and network technologies that allow humans to communicate between themselves, the Sensible Machine plays the role of a third complementary means. It will be a generic interface between the human senses and the external universe, that completes our computerized environments with the aim of rendering them more efficient and human oriented.

Relevance to HYDRA:An ENACTIVE project proposes the reactive paradigm to design of human-machine interfaces. Reactivity of so-called sensible machines based on direct mapping from sensoric perceptions to actions without the use of symbolic knowledge can be in many cases efficient solution to elementary responses design.