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Food Safety And Quality Monitoring With Microsystems

Basic data:

Type of the project:IST FP6 project, Integrated project
IST SO:Micro and Nanosystems
Project Reference:508774
Launch:January 2004
Duration:48 months
Consortium:30 partners from 11 countries
Coordinator:CSIC-CNM, Spain



The GoodFood project is an Integrated Project presented within the IST thematic area of EC VI FP and aims at developing the new generation of analytical methods based on Micro and Nanotechnology (MST and M&NT) solutions for the safety and quality assurance along the food chain in the agrofood industry. Current and future concerns related to agrofood safety and quality will increasingly require a multidisciplinary and universal approach based on the massive use of simple detection systems able to be used “near to the foodstuff”. The technology used nowadays to assess food safety and quality relies on lab solutions that are bulky, costly, punctual and time consuming. On the contrary, GoodFood approach will comply, through the development of innovative M&NT solutions, with the needs of ubiquity, low cost and low power, fast response, simple use and fully interconnection to the decisional bodies. A multidisciplinary integration of know-how and technology is required for addressing the broad requirements of the agrofood field. An Integrated Project is proposed to keep such a global view. 

The Project aims at the vertical integration of Micro and Nano Technologies from the land to the market. The main demands identified by the agrofood sector will be the applications that will drive the technological developments within GoodFood. The need for increasing the control of products at different critical steps of the food chain (control of raw materials, improvement of food processing, monitoring of storage and logistics, and control of safety and quality of final products) will be addressed by GoodFood with a vertical and horizontal integration of food, bio, and electronics experience for developing a set of systems with clear breakthrough solutions to specific safety and quality and traceability requirements. The proposed solutions will be also integrated under an Ambient Intelligence approach, which will allow fully interconnection and communication of multisensing systems. The technological developments within GoodFood are driven by the main demands identified by the agrofood sector, and they are focused into a number of relevant food targets. The M&NT inspired solutions developed therein are foreseen as the stepping-stones of the long term GoodFood vision: ‘bringing the lab to the food stuff from the land to the market.'

Relevance to HYDRA:GoodFood project focuses on the field of European Union policies on safe food. This field is also under the HYDRa’s interest.