Areas of expertise: | The Technical University of Kosice was established in 1952 and at present it is the second largest technical university in Slovakia with about 15,000 BSc, MSc and PhD students. The Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics are involved in the project. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, the Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence ( has a strong record in applied research in the area of knowledge management, semantic technologies, ontology-based knowledge modelling, knowledge management, web technologies, agent technologies, e-government, data and text mining etc. The Faculty of Economics( has more than 800 full time and part time Bc, MSc and PhD students. The Faculty’s staff members carry out research in several areas, e.g.: socio-economics analysis of ICT applications, good practice processing; e-Business, e-Government, e-Banking, Knowledge management, Knowledge economy, Information society development. Staff of the Faculties has participated in the following EU R&D projects: Contract No. 27020, "Access to e-Government Services Employing Semantic Technologies (Access-eGov)", IST FP6, 2006-2009, TUK - Project Co-ordinator. Contract No. 27128, "Semantic Agile Knowledge-based E-government (SAKE)", STREP IST FP6, 2006-2009. Contract No. 26476, FP5, "Small Enterprises Accessing the Electronic Market of the Enlarged Europe by a Smart Service Infrastructure (SEAMLESS)", STREP, 2006-2009. Contract No. 27083, FP5, "Finance, Logistic and Production Integration Domain by Web-based Interaction Network (FLUID-WIN)", STREP, 2006-2009. Contract No. 27219, "The Democracy Network (DEMO_net)", IST FP6, NoE, 2006-2009. FP6-2004-27490 "Knowledge-Practices Laboratory (KP-Lab)", IP, 2006-2011. FP6 Project No. 014634, North Hungary and Košice Bilateral Regional Innovation Strategy Project (NORRIS). eTEN Project No 517476, "Interoperability Initiative for a European e-Health Area (I2-Health)". Support action. IST-1999-20364, "Web Technologies Supporting Direct Participation in Democratic Processes (Webocracy)", 2000-2003. TUK – Project Co-ordinator. IST-1999-29088, "Providing Innovative Service Models and Assessment (PRISMA)". IST-2000-26224, "Best eEurope Practices (BEEP)". HPSE-CT-2001-00065 "EU Integration and the Prospects for Catch-Up Development in CEECs. The Determinants of the Productivity Gap (Productivity Gap)", etc. Esprit Project 29065 "Web in Support of Knowledge Management in Company (KnowWeb)", FP4. Esprit Project 29015 "Enriching Representations of Work to Support Organisational Learning (ENRICH)", FP4 Project. Copernicus CIPA-CT94-0149 "Environment for Configuration Design (ENCODE)" - INCO Copernicus project 977091, "GOAL: Geographic Information On-Line Analysis (GIS - Data Warehouse Integration)", 1998-2001.
Role in the project: | The role of TUK in the HYDRA project is primarily focused on those topics, which are related to semantic technologies, ontology based knowledge modelling and annotation, knowledge discovery, classification and inference. TUK is also involved in dissemination of the project results (publication of papers in scientific journals, presentations at scientific conferences and workshops, etc.). In terms of work allocation, TUK participates in 6 Work packages: - WP2 (Iterative user requirements engineering),
- WP3 (Architecture design specification),
- WP4 (Embedded AmI architecture),
- WP6 (SOA and MDA middleware),
- WP7 (Trust, privacy and security),
- WP13 (Dissemination and exploitation).